Did you know that anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in the world? Millions of people experience anxiety symptoms every day. We don’t tend to think of anxiety as being a serious problem, but it can have serious negative effects on both your personal and your work life.
Most people experience normal levels of anxiety from time to time, perhaps when feeling under pressure to meet a deadline at work or when taking a test. Anxiety such as this tends to disappear immediately after the stressful event and although it may be uncomfortable at the time, it isn’t necessarily a problem.

Did you know that anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in the world? Millions of people experience anxiety symptoms every day. We don’t tend to think of anxiety as being a serious problem, but it can have serious negative effects on both your personal and your work life.
Most people experience normal levels of anxiety from time to time, perhaps when feeling under pressure to meet a deadline at work or when taking a test. Anxiety such as this tends to disappear immediately after the stressful event and although it may be uncomfortable at the time, it isn’t necessarily a problem.
Anxiety symptoms
But for some people, everyday stresses can develop into a prolonged or acute state of anxiety, creating unpleasant symptoms such as;
- Feeling nervous, restless or tense
- Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
- Having an increased heart rate
- Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Feeling weak or tired
- Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry
- Having trouble sleeping
- Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems
- Having difficulty controlling worry
- Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
- Feeling nervous, restless or tense
- Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom
- Having an increased heart rate
- Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Feeling weak or tired
- Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry
- Having trouble sleeping
- Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems
- Having difficulty controlling worry
- Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety
Anxiety and avoidance
People who suffer from prolonged or intense anxiety, often start avoiding doing the things that make them feel anxious. Over time, this may lead to a gradual avoidance of more and more activities, even those that they used to enjoy, such as going out or seeing friends.
As a result, many people experiencing prolonged anxiety may find that their life starts to feel smaller and less fulfilling. They may begin feeling less confident about going out into the world. They may even feel like they are not themselves anymore.
The feeling of losing control of yourself and the life you once had, together with the physical sensations of anxiety can be very frightening. It can feel like there is no way out, which can increase the anxiety further still. This may also lead to experiencing additional issues such as panic attacks, insomnia or depression.

People who suffer from prolonged or intense anxiety, often start avoiding doing the things that make them feel anxious. Over time, this may lead to a gradual avoidance of more and more activities, even those that they used to enjoy, such as going out or seeing friends.
As a result, many people experiencing prolonged anxiety may find that their life starts to feel smaller and less fulfilling. They may begin feeling less confident about going out into the world. They may even feel like they are not themselves anymore.

The feeling of losing control of yourself and the life you once had, together with the physical sensations of anxiety can be very frightening. It can feel like there is no way out, which can increase the anxiety further still. This may also lead to experiencing additional issues such as panic attacks, insomnia or depression.
How can hypnotherapy help my anxiety?
If anxiety has become a problem for you, then I can give you some good news – we absolutely can reduce (and often completely remove) the anxiety that is holding you back from living your life to the full.
The Solution Focused approach is very different to traditional hypnotherapy and other talking therapies. This hypnotherapy is brain-based – it works with the physiology of your brain to gradually make lasting changes to your thought patterns, feelings and behaviours.
We can best work with the brain when we know what the brain is actually doing and why. So, we start by looking at what is happening in the brain in order to create and maintain your anxiety. When we know what is happening and why, we can focus on what we can do to work with the brain to reduce this anxious response.
Don’t worry – this is not intrusive! It doesn’t involve poking around into your problems or your past experiences or traumas. We can reduce your anxiety without talking about your problems. All we really need is for you to know what you’d like life to be like instead.
Hypnosis for Anxiety
Hypnosis used to be considered an unconventional approach to therapy. However, today it is becoming more and more mainstream, as the scientific evidence for its effectiveness grows. Research has shown that hypnosis is a very powerful tool for improving anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, panic, confidence and even low self-esteem.
The hypnosis I use is very gentle and calming. I do not “take over your mind” or control you in any way. It is very much like listening to a radio program, where you may hear every word I say, or drift in and out of awareness. You do not have to consider yourself to be a “susceptible” or an “easily influenced” person. This form of therapy is entirely suitable for people who consider themselves to be “pragmatic” or “sceptical.” Most clients feel an immediate benefit after hypnosis.

Hypnosis used to be considered an unconventional approach to therapy. However, today it is becoming more and more mainstream, as the scientific evidence for its effectiveness grows. Research has shown that hypnosis is a very powerful tool for improving anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, panic, confidence and even low self-esteem.

The hypnosis I use is very gentle and calming. I do not “take over your mind” or control you in any way. It is very much like listening to a radio program, where you may hear every word I say, or drift in and out of awareness. You do not have to consider yourself to be a “susceptible” or an “easily influenced” person. This form of therapy is entirely suitable for people who consider themselves to be “pragmatic” or “sceptical.” Most clients feel an immediate benefit after hypnosis.
Long-lasting results
As we make changes to your thought patterns and behaviours, new neural connections are being made in the part of the brain that is responsible for thinking better, feeling calm, confident and in control. Over a course of sessions, you will gradually develop and strengthen this part of your brain (much like strengthening a muscle through exercise) until thinking better and feeling good becomes easy and natural. Most of my clients say they feel like themselves again – but better! See testimonials here.
If you would like help reducing, or even removing anxiety from your life, leaving you free to live the life you want, please get in touch with me today to book your free, no-obligation initial consultation.
I can help with all aspects and symptoms of anxiety – for example: generalised anxiety, specific fears and phobias, confidence, self-esteem, panic attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, issues with sleep, stress, worry, bed-wetting, issues with food, public speaking, tinnitus, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, issues surrounding control and many more.
If you’d like help with something that is not on this list – please get in touch and find out if I can help you.